


主演:Terence Hill  Bud Spencer  

导演:Enzo  Barboni  


替身1984 剧照 NO.1替身1984 剧照 NO.2替身1984 剧照 NO.3替身1984 剧照 NO.4替身1984 剧照 NO.5替身1984 剧照 NO.6替身1984 剧照 NO.13替身1984 剧照 NO.14替身1984 剧照 NO.15替身1984 剧照 NO.16替身1984 剧照 NO.17替身1984 剧照 NO.18替身1984 剧照 NO.19替身1984 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-16 14:57




 1 ) Le ridicule ne tue pas

La lecture de Body Double ne doit sans doute pas se limiter au premier degré, c'est-à-dire à son apparence outrancière trompeuse, comme le suggère le dernier plan de son générique de début. Si le ton est donné dès le premier plan depuis le décor postiche d'un tournage du cinéma bis, totalement assumé, de Palma a osé une fusion parodique entre "Fenêtre sur cours" et "Sueurs froides" pour accoucher un rejeton aux emprunts techniques grotesques (comme le baiser à 360) qui vulgarisent (à coeur joie) les classiques hitchcockiens.

Derrière un soi-disant thriller érotique se cache une véritable comédie d'autodérision aux intrigues intentionnellement invraisemblable sur l'industrie du cinéma et le sens de la doublure

Une idée de folie ou de génie ? Nanar ou culte?

 2 ) 希区柯克变奏曲 2.0 | De Palma


Body Double (1984)



美国著名导演布莱恩·德·帕尔玛(Brian De Palma)凭借其多部优秀的悬疑惊悚作品被誉为是“希区柯克的接班人”。《希区柯克变奏曲》将从叙事内容和视觉实践方面为大家介绍几部关于帕尔玛的几部经典作品。

导演:布莱恩·德·帕尔玛 编剧:布莱恩·德·帕尔玛/罗伯特·J·阿夫里克 主演:梅兰尼·格里菲斯/格雷格·亨利/克雷格·沃森/黛伯拉·谢尔顿

还记得《剃刀边缘》开场的那一段香艳的浴室镜头吗?事实上在沐浴中的安吉·迪金森(Angie Dickinson)并非其本人,而是杂志模特维多利亚·约翰逊(Victoria Johnson)。(迪金森女士当时已经48岁,似乎已经过了在大银幕上展示自己的身体的时候了)

关于这次愉快的合作,导演布莱恩·德·帕尔玛想出了自己下一部影片的点子 —— 替身杀人



作为另一首希区柯克变奏曲,对比前作《粉红色杀人夜》(Body Double,1984)的剧情显得更为复杂,影片将《迷魂记》的剧情作为主线并杂糅了《后窗》《电话谋杀案》


《迷魂记》中由金·诺瓦克一人扮演的两个女性角色玛德琳和朱迪,在本片中则由两位优秀的女演员担任,分别是黛伯拉·谢尔顿(Deborah Shelton)和梅兰尼·格里菲斯(Melanie Griffith)。而谢尔顿和格里菲斯在片中所对应的角色则是寂寞贵妇和成人片女演员。









✳ “光化层”(Chemosphere)位于加州洛杉矶好莱坞山的圣费尔南多谷地区穆赫兰道外。这座建筑曾被《大英百科全书》描述为“世界上最现代化的住宅”。这栋现代主义风格的住宅由美国建筑师约翰·洛特纳(John Lautner)于1960年设计。

电影中所出现的洛杉矶地标 —— 光化层


著名的影评人罗杰·艾伯特(Roger Ebert)称赞了这部电影,并给它打了3.5分(满分4星):这部电影结构非常巧妙,强调视觉叙事而不是对话,所以我们既不快、也不慢于主人公,而是随着主人公一同侦破谜案

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希区柯克变奏曲 1.0 | De Palma



 3 ) 《粉红色的杀人夜》美国烂片


 4 ) To be completed...


OKAY we know that there is at least one movie inside the movie. You might even add another one if you include the music-video part, when the MC goes to the porn & glamour basement. Which gives you (short) movie inside a movie, that is inside the movie you're watching.
So yeah, I get the fact that at least 90% of what we watch is actually a movie being shot, it's the second layer of the script.

Now let's talk about the plot in that movie being shot (the movie inside the movie).
There are at least two interpretations of the scenario, and I can't decide which one holds best.
1) The simple version : the MC gets framed for the crime itself, or probably is just manipulated in order to see an Indian killing the woman. The aim is that the real killer ("friend" of the MC, husband of the woman) gets his alibi and does not get caught for the crime he actually carried out.
This theory is clearly explained by the MC himself to Holly when she is at his home.

2) The afterthought version : the MC is a "conspiracy nut" (quoting the police officer here). Nothing of the previous version is really true. What it means is that the Indian does not exist (or at least that the scene towards the end, when Holly is burried, when the MC fights the Indian who is finally thrown in the river) never happened. This version would also explain why the scene in which the Indian was faking to repair some equipment near the house is not consistent with the Indian being the actual husband. Also why would the husband not hire someone to do the dirty job instead of him? And why would the husband own a huge saucerful in front of his wife's apartment? And how to explain that totally unreal scene in which the MC is kissing intensely the wife in the beach? Is she so desperate for sex? If Holly is dancing instead of the real wife, where does the real wife
go late at night? How does Holly get in the apartment if the husband himself does not have the key (he had to steal it after stalking the wife in his Indian disguise). On the day of the crime, why Holly did not show up for doing her usual dance, how did she get informed that on that specific day she didn't have to make the performance? How did Holly end up right next to a hole, meant to burry someone in the fight scene around the end?

The main problem is this one: in order to have a body double, some level of cooperation is necessary (just like in the end when the director is illustrating the concept of his movie through the porn shooting, in which two girls are actually acting, but the viewer thinks that it's actually the same person). Basically my point is that Holly cannot realistically play the body double without the real person voluntarily playing along with the plan.
But on the other hand, if you think not in terms of coherence but in terms of what is "possible" (certainly not "plausible"), just technically possible, all the questions raised above can be addressed without breaking any storyline logic, without raising any obvious contradiction. Strictly speaking, there are no plotholes, but only unlikely events or events that need extra planning that has not been shown in the movie (but which is potentially realized by the characters, especially the main antagonist).

But after a second thorough afterthought, it's the second version that predominates. Because the second is mainly destructive: okay, if the MC is a nut and the "main" theory (the conspiracy being real) does not hold, what does then? Who killed the wife? Did she even die or was all this just his imagination? Did she even EXIST? There is no end to it. If the husband did not offer to the MC to stay in that apartment for guaranteeing his inocence, why would he let the apartment to him in the first place, that seemed too "louche" from the beginning? The first version explains well the reason, but if we go with the second version, this question (and a lot more) remain unanswered.
I guess I need to see the movie a second time, in order to clarify these questions...
At least you know that you're in front of a great movie when you're totally into it, and when different conflicting interpretations can be explored.

 5 ) [Film Review] Body Double (1984) 6.2/10

While Brian De Palma's BODY DOUBLE taps adeptly into its heteronormative erotic thrust, in post-mortem, its central plot fits right into a cracking-a-nut-with-a-sledgehammer case that if the nefarious perpetrator simply needs an eye-witness for his purported burglary-turned-murder skulduggery, he really wouldn’t have concocted such an involute set-up to pull the wools over the eyes of our protagonist, Jack Scully (Wasson), a struggling actor in Hollywood afflicted by claustrophobia.

So what De Palma blatantly exploits down pat is the libidinous bent and voyeuristic tantalization mostly derived from the straight male demography,plundering Hitchock’sREAR WINDOW and VERTIGO no end, BODY DOUBLE’s misbegotten plot is at first a thoroughgoing manifestation of female objectification through man's wish-fulfilment, as if in real world, a luscious woman really enjoys putting on such a show for no one’s gratification but herself, also the camp choice from a telephone cord to an electric drill in terms of the murder weapon in the archly designed gore climax does writ large a wicked sign of its times and De Palma’s thinly-veiled mean-spiritness.

Jack Scully is hare-brained enough to not suspect something bizarre is afoot right from the start, but the same can be referred to the culprit, so inimitable is theseductive routine that he must hire the porn star who invents it to do the same performance, and thanks to the slipshod prosthetics wearing by the ghastly-looking “Indian”, any sharp-eyed spectator can more or less guess who is underneath that halfway through the journey, ergo, thrill is drained by half.Having said that, Melanie Griffith does hold court in her breakthrough performance as the titular double, who only makes her appearance in the second half but charmingly weds immaculate allure with an air of nonchalance in her trademark cooing articulation, the paradigm of a woman in the eyes of her opposite sex beholder.

Ultimately, the takeaway of the film is exclusively ocular apart from Griffith’s grand entrance, the strikingly futuristicdwelling Chemosphere and a vampy music video ofFrankie Goes To Hollywood’s RELAX are here to stay, but as for De Palma’s facility, that Dutch-angle tunnel-vision might be any viewer's best shot.

referential films: De Palma’s SISTERS (1973, 6.8/10), CARRIE (1976, 8.1/10), OBSESSION (1976, 7.2/10); Alfred Hitchcock’s VERTIGO (1958, 8.4/10), REAR WINDOW (1954, 8.4/10).

 6 ) 风格第一


 7 ) B级悬疑片,偷窥癖的惊险艳遇!

杰克是一个B级片小演员,和女朋友过着普通人的生活。这天,正当他兴冲冲地回家找女友时,推门一看,只见女友正在那儿骑马啪啪啪正干得high呢… 杰克无可奈何,心灰意冷,他只想逃离这种生活。在朋友的介绍下,一个名叫弗兰克给他推荐了一处好房子。这房子处在高处,环境很好,视野也很好,而且朋友告诉他一个秘密:房子对面有个女人,每天晚上都会跳艳舞,可以一饱眼福! 杰克就一个人安顿了下来,孤单又无聊。这天晚上,他就想起了朋友的话。他拿起望远镜朝那边搜索,果然一个衣不蔽体的半裸美女在跳舞,顿时杰克被深深地吸引住了… 《粉红色杀人夜》(Body Double),由布莱恩·德·帕尔玛执导,黛伯拉·谢尔顿等主演的悬疑惊悚片,于1984年上映。 该片讲述了B级片演员杰克爱情受挫,外出租房,无意中偷窥到一个脱衣舞娘在房间里表演,在好奇心的驱使下,他跟踪这位女人,却卷入了一桩凶杀案… 一部情s版的《迷魂计》,向悬疑片大师希区柯克致敬,有多处裸露,如此大的尺度竟然没被贴上情s的标签。 开头大段偷窥艳舞的镜头香艳而刺激,杰克跟踪女郎的长镜头既紧张刺激又秀色可餐,一气呵成。等到女主被杀害,悬疑气氛渐浓,最后演变为惊险的抓捕凶手的高潮。电影也透露出美国成人制片的一些场景和状态。




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我简直不知道如何评价这部cult电影:它惊悚离奇怪诞变态血腥色情恶心悲凉怪趣味黑色幽默超现实主义恐怖又搞笑充满隐喻和秘密最后也没分清哪些是梦境哪些是演戏。这片子很恶心我简直不想看第二遍,不过又想看第二遍,希望有更多的人被恶心到。变态死了!!!== 深入理解请参考拉康的镜像原理。

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正如“眩晕”置换成的幽闭恐惧(Dolly Zoom也换成了旋转变焦),是杀人计划之外的,男人的几次幽闭遭遇都只是导演的设计。整部电影也是如此,将希区柯克的符号揉碎了重新反向组接,但设计本身是有趣的,所以也显得可爱。

  • 刘浪
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后窗迷魂 —— 一个希区柯克硬核粉丝的自我修养,致敬的同时也带有强烈的自我风格和趣味,看的好生过瘾;自然,批评剧本薄弱和牵强是毫无问题的,但或许德·帕尔玛在构思本片伊始就将影像感和仪式性放在了远高于故事性和逻辑性的位置上。

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7.6将《迷魂记》《后窗》的设定拼凑了这个浮夸荒唐的b级片故事中,语调极不正经且恶趣味十足 ,剧情虽然老套了点但还是被几次机位设计给惊艳到了

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